From the course: Data Engineering Pipeline Management with Apache Airflow

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Triggering and viewing SLA misses

Triggering and viewing SLA misses

- [Instructor] I'll now log into the Airflow UI, to run this DAG and trigger an SLA Miss. Make sure you sign in as the admin user, so you have the ability to perform all of the possible operations. Here is our DAG simple branching with SLA. Let's click through and take a look here at all of the tasks here in this DAG. Now remember that this DAG is scheduled to run for every minute. I'm going to unpause this DAG and wait for a few minutes, so that the DAG is executed several times. I've clearly sped up all the operations here, but this DAG basically is catching up with all of the runs, starting from the previous day. I'll now let this run through. SLA misses have been triggered. I'm going to select task C here, because that is the task that will run for 20 seconds. Click on the log files for C. Now if you scroll down you'll see that task C was executed successfully. So there was no problem with the execution, but it…
