From the course: Customer Experience Leadership

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Use governance to propel innovation

Use governance to propel innovation

From the course: Customer Experience Leadership

Use governance to propel innovation

- The term governance may sound bureaucratic or even stifling to customer experience leadership. But when it's done right, I found the opposite to be true. Governance is essential to propelling innovation. Let's explore why that is and how to get it right. The department spanning nature of customer experience is precisely why governance is so important to innovation. Opportunities will impact budgets, the organization chart and status quo. Here's an example. Let's say you provide business systems to corporate customers. Your customer feedback points to dissatisfaction in how you train new customers. You require your customers systems engineers to attend a central university, in person or online, for a packed five-day training class. You offer the class just quarterly and attendees must pass a grueling test at the end. Now they do it. They don't have a choice. But lately your sales reps have been discounting training…
