From the course: Customer Experience Leadership
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Shape supporting processes and technologies
From the course: Customer Experience Leadership
Shape supporting processes and technologies
- Shaping processes and technologies that strongly support customer experience is an essential part of leadership. Let's explore four key principles here. First, as a rule, focus your efforts on establishing processes to shape technology. Now, what do I mean by this? I'll often hear comments like I wish our organization had Amazon's or Starbuck's or Netflix technology but most of those capabilities are available. What they're really doing longing for are the processes that shaped those platforms. This leads to a second principle. You'll need to tap into diverse perspectives. Yes, your IT department is instrumental in building a technology roadmap that defines requirements and standards but your customer support agents know where customers are running into problems with your apps or website. Your warehouse managers sees firsthand where to improve the supply chain. Those responsible for regulatory compliance know…
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