From the course: Customer Experience Leadership

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Establish key performance indicators

Establish key performance indicators

From the course: Customer Experience Leadership

Establish key performance indicators

- Many successful leaders establish an overall metric, a key performance indicator, or KPI, that reflects customer experience. I agree that's a wise move, but it's important to do so with some cautions in mind. Let's take a look here. Surveys that measure customer satisfaction, or CSAT, as it's often called, are one common approach. They're based on variations of the question, how satisfied are you? Or how would you rate your experience? Customer satisfaction is not a major of customer loyalty, which is what we'd really love to know. Of course, only behavior can truly gauge loyalty, but a big advantage of customer satisfaction is that it's so common you may already have years worth of data that serves as a baseline. Net promoter score is another popular approach. It's based on the survey question, how likely is it that you'll recommend us to others? Input is provided on a 10-point scale with 10 being very likely to…
