From the course: Customer Experience: Journey Mapping

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Tools of the trade

Tools of the trade

- Ready to get started? Hang on. There are a few tools to have handy as you start your own journey. The first thing you absolutely need to create a journey map, a sense of openness, empathy and curiosity. Really, these are some of the most important tools you'll have. Your curiosity will help you discover the real insights gained from customer journey mapping. Without that, you'll simply be reporting on things you probably already know. Your empathy will help you step into your customer's shoes without getting sidetracked with what you know happens in the inner workings of your organization and your openness will allow you to see the discoveries you aren't expecting at all and trust me, there will be a few. Another important trait for a successful journey map is the ability to adapt. As customers tell you the reality of their situation, your map will have to be flexible enough to reflect their truths. If you are too…
