From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Breakpoints

Project: Breakpoints - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Breakpoints

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] For this exercise, let's use the developer tools to test the current project layout and help us decide what break points to use. If you don't already have the dev tools open, go ahead and open it now. All right, let's do our first test, starting with the homepage. Rather than resizing the view port, I'm going to use the device emulator so I can resize that instead of the dev tools panel. I'll turn it on by selecting the devices icon. Since we have the content wrapper set to a max width of 900 pixels, I'm going to start at that width and work my way down to see where the layout starts to break. So let's resize this. So at around 700 pixels, the footer elements start to get too close. If we go smaller, the alignment is off. so we can take note of that for a possible breakpoint value. There's not much content on the homepage so there's not much to change. But as we get smaller, around…
