From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Background image update

Project: Background image update - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Background image update

(upbeat music) - [Tutor] Continuing with another project update, let's revisit the homepage background image that was added in chapter two. The background size property was set to cover to fill the entire space. But when the browser is resized to a smaller width and a longer height the image no longer covers the bottom area. Now that we know a little more about using developer tools, let's inspect the issue. Right click anywhere on the page and select inspect or inspect element. Then click the three dots on the right of the menu bar and choose the icon to dock the tool to the right side of the browser. Now we'll be able to inspect the page while the viewport is at a smaller size and have more space to view the HTML and CSS panels. Hover over the body element in the HTML panel. Notice that only the area with content is being highlighted. This is also true of the HTML element. We added the background image to the body…
