From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

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Feature queries

Feature queries

- [Instructor] One of the methods that is starting to gain traction in regards to targeting specific browsers or overriding features that may be problematic is the feature query. Feature queries ask the browser to self-report on whether or not a certain CSS property and value is supported. And they use the answer to decide whether or not to apply that block of CSS. Feature queries are created using the CSS @supports rule, and they are useful as they give web developers a way to test, to see if a browser has support for a specific feature. And then they'll provide CSS that will only run based on the result of that test. I have tested the website that we've been building throughout this course in a wide range of browsers on both Mac and Windows. I've tested in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera, and Brave as well as a number of browsers from mobile devices. All of the modern browsers are displaying the website in the…
