From the course: Creative Cloud Crash Course
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Adobe Illustrator on iPad
From the course: Creative Cloud Crash Course
Adobe Illustrator on iPad
- [Instructor] I'm really excited to give you a sneak peek into Illustrator for the iPad, where you can make logos, graphics, icons, a number of things. And I'm just going to go ahead and create a quick logo. Just kind of starting from a blank file we have here, we have this lovely art board, right. That we can adjust. But again, I want to make a logo, at least start to sketch out some things. I could use the pen tool and we get that precision when we use the pen tool, which I love, but really I'm going to undo that because I have really been into the pencil right here, selecting the pencil and we'll change the fill to black, no stroke. And we can kind of dive into sort of just doing a quick drawing of a logo. And I just want to make a toucan here. Right? So here it is like that. Just do some nice swooshes right over here. So should that around like that, right. We could start to see what we can do. And of course…
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