From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

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Conveying your personal brand authentically

Conveying your personal brand authentically

From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

Conveying your personal brand authentically

- Personal branding is a lot about perception and judgment. Is that fair? Not really, but it's how we're wired as human beings. We have an instinctive ways of judging other people sometimes just based on what they look like to determine if they're friend or foe or if they're dangerous. It's part of our DNA. Authenticity in personal branding means being mindful about the way you show up. It means being conscious of that first impression you're going to make, which is often going to drive the perception someone else has of you, and that starts with your style and your image. It starts by understanding that your personal brand means you should look like you, not like someone else. Dress to be comfortable, dress to be appropriate to the audience and the situation. So if I'm addressing a large group of financial executives in a business forum, I'm probably not going to wear a baseball cap and torn jeans and sneakers, I'm…
