From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Color grading the time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

Color grading the time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Color grading the time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

- [Instructor] With your clip selected there's quite a bit we can do here to modify, for example notice we do have transform properties if we want to scale the clip. What I'd like to do though is apply some color correction. I'll come down to color and apply the color adjustments. Now we can open this up and have very standard controls. For example, I can recover the highlights a little bit and adjust things like the black point and the shadows. For the highlights I'm going to tone down the saturation a little bit by adjusting the warmth just to get the sky a little bit closer to where the cloud should be. And I'm going to lower the exposure slightly for the total clip. As you see, it's pretty easy to make standard adjustments. Now let's go ahead and add the color board adjustment and we can look at the overall exposure here a little bit differently. This makes it easy to adjust the different target values just to refine the…
