From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Alternative time-lapse workflow with Lightroom and LRTimelapse: Part 1

Alternative time-lapse workflow with Lightroom and LRTimelapse: Part 1

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Alternative time-lapse workflow with Lightroom and LRTimelapse: Part 1

- While I've primarily been showing you in Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Bridge Workflow, that's not the only way of doing this, even from Adobe. Many of you will like to use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, which combines cataloging and image adjustments into one application. It's pretty straightforward to do, and I'd like to show you how to take what you've already learned and translate it into Lightroom. - I'm going to start with Lightroom, and then we'll take a look at a great third-party tool that works with Lightroom or Bridge. Now what I've done here is created a new empty catalog. This way, I can import the exercise files in without actually modifying my normal Lightroom catalog. Lightroom supports the ability to switch between multiple catalogs. Then go to the library tab and choose file, import, photos and video. Navigate to your exercise files folder. Now select the files 11A Exposure_Start. These are ones we've…
