From the course: Creating .NET MAUI Applications with Blazor

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Using Ionic and Blazor: Bringing in npm libraries

Using Ionic and Blazor: Bringing in npm libraries - .NET MAUI Tutorial

From the course: Creating .NET MAUI Applications with Blazor

Using Ionic and Blazor: Bringing in npm libraries

- [Instructor] We've decided that we're going to use Ionic in our app, so here we're going to continue with our Blazor first example from the chapter one challenge. We know that we cannot just put a link to the npm servers as the Ionic site gives an example of. So instead, we have to include the relevant content in our app. And we're going to start by adding a directory to hold our downloaded files for npm packages. So on our MauiNotes project I'll right-click and go Add, and a New Folder, and we'll call that npm_modules and press Return. Next, we want to initialize our developer repository. And to do that we're going to go to the Command Line. So we'll go to Tools and Command Line and Developer Command Prompt. And we'll go cd mauinotes and then cd npm_modules. And this is the folder we just created. And then to initialize npm, we go npm init -y. This will create a package.json file for us. And now we're ready to…
