From the course: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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Next steps in planning your improvement journey

Next steps in planning your improvement journey

From the course: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Next steps in planning your improvement journey

- Changing the culture of an organization can be one of the most difficult endeavors you can undertake. But for me, it is definitely one worth fighting for. Though we all know the power of striving to be better, the reality is few companies are able to commit to that objective, but those that do, and find a way to do it well, benefit from the fruits of that labor. In this course, we've explored the how and now it's up to you to do, to put what you've learned into tangible measurable action. And to aid you further, as you prepare for your journey, check out some of the helpful resources I've got available at I also speak and write about building effective enterprises over there, so stop by and say hi. And don't forget to use the course Q&A section if there's something you want to ask or just leave a comment. You'll no doubt find your efforts in creating a culture of continuous improvement a…
