From the course: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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Establishing metrics for continuous improvement

Establishing metrics for continuous improvement

From the course: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Establishing metrics for continuous improvement

- As the old adage goes, what gets measured gets done. And sometimes what and how we measure leads to some pretty bad behavior. Let me give you an example. And to protect the innocent, some details have been changed. I once worked with an organization that had a maximum handle time for calls into their call center. Now, average handle time is a fairly common metric, but prior to this experience, I'd not heard of max handle time. They had a max handle time of seven minutes. What that meant is if a call went over seven minutes, the person handling the call got a strike against them. So what do you think happened around the 6:50 mark? Yep. They hung up on their customer. Sounds odd, right? But it was how they had been incentivized to behave. Not a great customer experience for their customer, who had to call back and start all over again. Needless to say, this was not a culture of continuous improvement, though it was an…
