From the course: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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Determining levels of leadership commitment

Determining levels of leadership commitment

From the course: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Determining levels of leadership commitment

- The show of commitment from all levels in your organization is essential for your success in building a culture of continuous improvement. Everybody has a role to play and needs to be working toward that common goal of making things better, and strong commitment from your most senior leaders the top of the management ladder, is no exception. This is for a few reasons. First, there are the optics of support. Senior leaders tend to be the most visible to folks throughout the organization, and if their people see that their senior management aren't supporting this new way of working, then why should anyone else? Next, it's vital that employees see the linkages between the change activities and the strategic goals of the organization. If projects and initiatives aren't aligned to the strategic objectives of the organization, you have to wonder which one is wrong? Where is the disconnect? Do we have a leader that is not…
