From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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Generate a website

Generate a website

- [Instructor] Now that we've seen an example of how pipelines can work for building and testing code, let's use a more realistic example. This will still be pretty straightforward and hopefully relatively trivial to grasp. First we'll create a markdown file. So click the plus sign up here and say New File. And we'll call this We're going to change our pipeline to process this markdown file into HTML and then in the next chapter, we'll set up a pipeline for deploying that as a static website. So we'll just make a simple website. Welcome to my website. This is the main content. That's all we need. So I can commit the changes here and then we'll need to set this up in our pipeline. So go over to CI/CD and select Pipelines and we can go into the editor. So the first thing we'll need to do is change our image from busybox latest to alpine:latest. Alpine is a lightweight Linux container that does a little bit…
