From the course: Conflict Resolution Foundations

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Asking diagnostic questions

Asking diagnostic questions

- By far, the most important practice in conflict resolution is the art of asking open-ended or diagnostic questions. These are questions that begin with who, what, when, where, how, and why. And they're key to learning your conflict partner's perspectives and getting past resistance and pushback. According to research by social psychologist Adam Golinski, it was found that 93% of people fail to use diagnostic questions when doing so can dramatically change the outcome. Here's why. When you ask a closed ended question, like, "Do you want to talk about how the meeting went?" You'll likely get a yes or no answer. And for the conflict avoider, you're probably going to get a no. But if you were to turn that into a diagnostic question, "What are your thoughts about how the meeting went?" You'll open the door for dialogue and exploration and uncover the real issues. So let's watch Gina as she uses diagnostic questions to get at…
