From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Understanding applications

Understanding applications

- [Instructor] Applications are the programs your computer runs and in which you'll spend most of your time when on your computer. Generally, an application is any piece of software used to accomplish a task, whether that task is writing a paper, composing music, printing a digital photo, playing a video game, browsing the web, or checking your email. There are countless applications for countless purposes. Some applications come pre-installed on your computer, like the web browser Microsoft Edge and the basic word processor WordPad. You acquire other applications either by purchasing them on an installation disc at a traditional store, or more often these days, you can buy and download applications over the internet. Once you've purchased your applications from a store or downloaded them over the internet, you'll follow instructions to install the software on your PC. And you'll be able to find the application to install…
