From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Understanding search engines

Understanding search engines - macOS Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

Understanding search engines

- [Narrator] A significant part of being connected to the internet is having access to the seemingly unlimited amounts of information out there. As you probably know, the best way to find information you're looking for is to perform a search through a search engine. A search engine is an online resource that systematically catalogs the contents of the web so that when you perform a search, it can bring up webpages, matching the words or terms you're looking for. Search engines acquire their data by using programs sometimes called spiders, which scour the web following link after link, and creating a database of not just the words on a webpage, but also the order of the words and their relationship or proximity to other items like pictures or videos, which most search engines also catalog. By far, the most popular search engine is Google, but there are other popular search engines out there like Microsoft's Bing search engine, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. Searching is such an integral part…
