From the course: Computer Literacy for Mac

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Compressing files

Compressing files

- [Instructor] Regardless of the type of file you're sending to someone, if you're using the internet to send the file, whether via email or a web-based sharing service. Another habit you should get into is compressing your files before sending them. When it comes to the web, file size still matters a lot, and is a major determining factor in how long it takes to send and receive a file, or whether you can send the file at all. Compressing a file does just what it sounds like, it makes the file smaller. Fortunately, macOS has the built-in ability to compress files in the most popular compression format, the zip format. Let's see how this works. I have here on my desktop, the exercise files folder for this course. Now, I could easily open up a new email message and drag all these files into the message as separate attachments, but you're going to find that compressing multiple files into a single attachment generally results in all the files getting to their destination without…
