From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Solid-state drives (SSDs)

Solid-state drives (SSDs)

- The most popular type of mass storage we see on today's systems is called Solid-state drives or SSDs. It's not to say that hard disk drives still don't have a place on our systems. It's just that solid-state drives are traditionally a lot faster and it's something that we like to use primarily as our boot system. It's not at all uncommon to see a one system that has SSDs and HDDs all buckled into it at the same time. Anyway, here's a typical SSD. So, if you look at this, two and a half inch format, no big deal. So, it looks like a little case on the outside, but on the inside, it looks something like this. So, as we strip away the case, what you're going to be seeing is a lot of electronic chips on there. And if we could open up one of those chips and look with some super duper microscope, we would see that SSDs are organized into pages, so a single physical chip might have hundreds or thousands of pages. Within a…
