From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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- Okay, pick a drive, any drive, whatever you want, okay? Now the reason I have multiple drives in front of me right now is because a long time ago, disk drives were expensive. I know today you go to a store and you find a disk drive for $300 and you think that's expensive. I'm talking about early first generation disk drives that cost millions of dollars. So after a while, as hard drives started to get smaller, a bunch of guys in Berkeley kind of got together. You know, it's Berkeley, so they're groovy. And they're like, you know, we could have some really cool synergy if we, instead of using one drive for anything, used multiple drives that acted as a group or an array to do groovy stuff, right? And what these guys came up with was a type of drive organization known as RAID. You see, the idea behind RAID is to provide two nice things. Nice thing number one is speed and nice thing number two is data redundancy. So these…
