From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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Firewalls and servers

Firewalls and servers

- Okay, folks, over the next few episodes we're going to be going through lots of different protocols out there. Now, when I talk about protocols, in this case, I mean application protocols. I know for a lot of us folks, if we want to get on the internet, what you're really doing is you're opening up a web browser and you're checking your mail, or you're opening up your browser, and you're going to Google, or you're opening up your browser, and you're playing a game. You always keep opening up your browser to do stuff. And, that's great. The web is an important part of the internet, but, first of all, it's not the only part. And, a big thing we're going to be doing over these next few episodes is looking at all kinds of other application protocols with names like SSH, and FTP, and email, and things like that. So, and, yeah, we'll do the web as well, but what's important here is we need to really take some time…
