From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Three types of coaching conversations

Three types of coaching conversations

From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

Three types of coaching conversations

- Your coaching conversations with people will be very much tied to accomplishing goals. In fact, those conversations will tend to follow a very distinct arc relative to those goals, specifically clarity, implementation, and reflection. Clarity conversations typically happen at the beginning of the coaching arc. Here you want to focus on reviewing your people's accomplishments to take stock of their strengths and repeating themes, what inspires them and what they want to learn and what they want to be known for. So let's take a look at a quick example of a clarity conversation with Cassidy, a team lead and her manager, Avi, during a check-in. - Well, first off, thank you for being so detailed about your goals this year. I'm also very impressed with the milestones you set for each goal. - Thank you. - One of your biggest goals this year was to excel as a team lead and set yourself up promotion to directing a…
