From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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The influence interview

The influence interview

- Let's talk about a little gem of an exercise called the Influence Interview. This exercise involves seeking out people who really know you like your family, friends, and colleagues and the goal is to find out how they perceive you, what you do well, and what you need to work on. Now, the influence interview isn't for everyone. It takes some personal fortitude. One of my clients who thought she was being too opinionated and talked too much in meetings was astonished to learn that the exact opposite was true after conducting an influence interview. Colleagues and leaders in her company told her she had great ideas and they wish she'd speak up more. So prepare to be surprised. Now, here's how it works. Your employees will make a list of people to interview by email, maybe five or seven people. In that email, they'll ask two sets of questions focusing on strengths and reality checks. The strengths questions are like this.…
