From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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The GROW model

The GROW model

- Okay, so now that you have all the fundamental coaching skills down from the last chapter, let's focus next on some super practical tools and frameworks to deepen your practice and make it easier. There are many coaching frameworks, but one of the easiest to implement at the start of your coaching relationship is called the GROW Model. GROW stands for goals, realities, options, and way forward. Goals, of course, are the outcomes your people want to achieve. And as with any goal, you want to be as specific as possible, so that it's very clear to both of you what it looks like when it's a done deal. Realities is all about what's currently happening relative to any goal and discovering what the challenges and roadblocks are. Once your people identify challenges and roadblocks, you can begin to uncover options or the possibilities available to them to make progress on those goals. The way forward is all about choosing the…
