From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Overcoming bias in coaching

Overcoming bias in coaching

- If you did your homework for the last video, "Busting Myths and Finding Time," you now have identified a few people to work with for your coaching experiment. Great. Now, take a look at your notebook. Who did you choose? If you're a white, male engineer born in the United States, and working in a tech company in San Francisco, it's statistically very likely that you chose people like yourself. You chose people you like hanging out with. Now you might be laughing or rolling your eyes, but we humans are wired to judge, beginning way back when we became two-legged creatures trying to determine who was friend or foe. Even though we're no longer avoiding saber-tooth tigers, our tendency to choose people who look like us, sound like us, and have similar abilities and backgrounds is a behavioral phenomenon known as unconscious bias. So if you're committed to becoming a great coach and leader, becoming aware of your own biases…
