From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Increasing your listening skills

Increasing your listening skills

- Coaching requires a whole different kind of listening. From the time you start school as a small child to the time you finish your degree studies and beyond, you've been trained to have the right answer. So it's no wonder when you start managing people that you need to be decisive and give direction to have the right answer. These are powerful skills, but when it comes to coaching, we have to learn to set aside our preconceived ideas about what people are saying and what we think people mean, and where we think the conversation is headed. We also have to set aside our tendency to listen in order to interject our perspective. So let's say you have a team member who's challenged by time management issues and buried under a ton of email. As a result, he's missing deadlines and reacting irritably to new requests. As his manager, you might think the solution is simple. You telling him he just needs a couple of focused…
