From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Designing stretch opportunities

Designing stretch opportunities

- In the last chapter, we focused on using tools and assessments that help you establish goals and what true North looks like for your people. And now we're going to explore ways to maintain momentum in your coaching process. In Daniel Pink's book "Drive", he talked about how people are more motivated by their ability to direct their lives than they are by money. They want to know that they have value and that they matter. These are people who want to learn and put that learning to the test. So let's talk about what stretch opportunities might look like in your organization. The first is learning and education. When you first start coaching your employees be sure to ask what their educational goals are and see if you can find ways to meet them. Informal opportunities include workshops, conferences, certifications, and online courses like you're doing right now. And then there's formal education. In some companies, getting…
