From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Coaching remotely

Coaching remotely

- In the new world of work, we're working remotely and spending less physical time with our teams. And for some people that has downsides, physically and psychologically. We're alone more, we're sitting a lot, we're not sharing a meal in the lunchroom and we're not having those lovely accidental conversations in the hallway. But because remote work is here to stay, I want to focus on the benefits and best practices of coaching remotely. So let's start by talking about what I call the geography of coaching. The first element of geography is observation. With video on, similar to in-person coaching you can observe body language, tone, facial expressions and you can take note of what's happening in the silences and pauses. The second element of geography is privacy. While you might not be able to shut a door to tune out your environment, you can turn off ringers and alerts and use hearing devices to help you give your…
