From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Challenging your people for growth

Challenging your people for growth

- How do you know when it's time to challenge the people you're coaching? I definitely have a couple of thoughts about that. If your high potential is bored or phoning it in, it is definitely time for a challenge, a new opportunity, more visibility, something that makes use of their talents and skills. Or if your employee has set a goal and they keep backsliding, it might be a should disguised as a goal. So if your intuition tells you it's a disguise should, ask what they really want and need and help them shift the goal or drop it all together. On the other hand, resistance or procrastinating on a goal could be everybody's good friend, fear. So you might ask questions that help them wrestle with best case, worst case outcomes, or maybe finding one action that will nudge them through and pass their fear. As for the challenge itself, there are three key aspects to keep in mind. One, the challenge has to be tied to your…
