From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Brainstorming to build momentum

Brainstorming to build momentum

- The first three coaching practices, asking questions, listening and challenging, will almost always point you in the direction of next steps. But if your employee's a little foggy about a solution and not sure what action to take, brainstorming can help them uncover multiple solutions and possibilities for action. What I've noticed with my clients over the years is that before they can unlock their creativity and brainstorm effectively, they have to be able to outgas about what's frustrating them, not just for the sake of venting, but for discovering where to focus your energy. So I often do a little pre-brainstorming by asking three questions. What do you want? What's in the way? And what's really going on? I was working with a customer success VP who was in charge of revamping her company's client onboarding process. And among her long list of frustrations was this one: "I can't get engineering and marketing to…
