From the course: Cisco CCNA (200-301) Cert Prep: 2 IP Connectivity and Services

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Configure static IPv4 routes

Configure static IPv4 routes

- [Narrator] Review this diagram. I'll be configuring connectivity between Host A and Host B. All interfaces have IP addressing assigned and are up. I'll start by tracing from Host A over to Host B. I can see that my default gateway is the last router that responds, so I'll check it. Looking at router one's routing table, show IP route, I see there is no route that will carry traffic towards B. I can fix that with a static route. Config T, IP route one nine two dot one six eight dot two dot zero, 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot zero, the gateway of one nine two dot one six eight dot one dot two. This command creates a static route with destination network of one nine two one six eight two dot zero, and the subnet mask of 255 255 255 zero, which is a slash 24 in the next top of one nine two one six eight one dot two. Going back to Host A I'll attempt another trace. It appears there is no change, what gives? If I pop into router two I can do some more investigation. I'll issue a show IP route…
