From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Enhancing team communications

Enhancing team communications

- [Instructor] Probably the most important and least discussed factors of managing a team is ensuring good communication. One of the key studies that we can draw on regarding team communication was done by MIT's Human Dynamics Lab. A lab dedicated to look at human behaviors using big data. This study was done in 2012 by looking at communication amongst employees in a call center and had some valuable results. One of the key findings of this study was a reinforcement of the idea discussed in the Corporate Culture movie. The number one important thing about team communication, is that everyone is talking and feels free to do so. 35% of team performance can be explained by the number of face-to-face interactions of each of the team members. There are three key elements to communication, energy, engagement and exploration. Energy is measured by the number and nature of exchanges, from a simple nod to gesturing and speaking. In a meeting you can have many exchanges taking place…
