From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 1 Information Security Governance

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Developing a security budget

Developing a security budget

- [Instructor] Security managers have financial responsibility for their organization's security program. This means that they must participate in developing, implementing, and monitoring a budget. Now, many security managers came up through the technical ranks and find themselves in their first management role where they might be unfamiliar with many of the non-technical skills required for the job. If that's your situation, you might find yourself unfamiliar with the budgeting process and the skills and tools that can assist you with budgeting work. Now, a budget is just a financial plan for your team. It outlines how much money is available to you and the security program over the course of a year, and how you plan to spend that money. Most organizations go through an annual budget planning cycle where the organization's leadership decides the following year's budget a few months before the year begins. This means…
