From the course: Cert Prep FAA 107 Commercial Drone License

Studying for the FAA Part 107 test

Let's go over some tips on how to study for this very important test. Make a study schedule. Decide what to study each and every day. Don't try to tackle all of this at once. You know, for me to remember some things like, directionals from a compass and all of that, I draw pictures. So even in the test, you see me drawing a circle with arrows, and then I put, okay, this is zero degrees, this is 180 here, this is 90. So I use all of those visual aids that I draw to help me remember. All the things that you can is to watch videos. I mean, there are plenty of videos not just of drone training, but aircraft. All of this is relevant. It's the same airspace. Right. Listen to stories, you know, audiobooks, anecdotes, like oral history that you can remember very, very easily. You can also read stuff out loud. When you read it out loud, you're not just reading it, but the brain is processing it and you're hearing it as well, so it's easier to remember. Practice, practice, practice. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice. So, you know, it's almost like a game to test your knowledge. But don't forget to take breaks. Listen, you can't just study for six, eight hours. Come on now. Take breaks to rest your brain, you know. And remember, studying is like training for a sport. The more you practice the right way, the easier and the better it gets. And now this is kind of important. Let's talk about how to take the test. All right. The first thing on this -- I know this sounds kind of dumb, but I'm going to say it. Read the question carefully. Don't rush through it. Don't just read half of it and then assume that you know what they're asking, because sometimes they're asking exactly the opposite of what you think they're asking. So read the question carefully. Most of them, if not all, are multiple choice. Choose the best answer. Sometimes there will be two answers that are kind of right. Choose the one that is more right. Sometimes you have to answer with a number. Right. So they'll ask you a question, and then they'll give you three numbers and you have to choose the one that is correct. And you did the calculations and none of them is correct, choose the closest answer, even if it's not exact. All right. Base your answers on the regulations, not on what you know you have done a million times before. Answer according to the regulations. All right. The next thing is, don't leave a question unanswered. Don't just go to the next question. Most people will tell you, oh, mark it and go to the next question. Yeah, don't do that. Do not leave the question blank. Mark it for review. Answer anything. Eeny, meany miny, moe, it doesn't matter. Answer something and then go to the next question. At the end of the test, if you have time, you can review these answers. But if you don't have time and you didn't answer anything, it's marked wrong. But if you answered something, you have one in three chances that you hit the right answer. And sometimes, one point is all it takes between failing and passing. Also, there are printed supplements, in other words, books, physical books that you get at the testing center. Ask for them if they don't give them to you. Sometimes the answer to the question is at the beginning of that book, things like what does this symbol mean? Or et cetera. Go to the beginning of the book. And this is not cheating, they gave it to you. All right. Don't don't forget that they gave it to you. It's not cheating. Now, you did all your studying and you're ready to take the test. This is the day. Carpe diem. Go forth and take your test the day before so that you're ready. Double-check your documentation. Make sure you have all of the documents that you need. Gather your materials. This includes identification, confirmation of your test appointment, and any other paperwork that you may be required to take. Right. And make sure you get a good night's sleep. Engage in things that will calm you down, like listening to music. Go take a walk, go outside, meditate. You know, mindfulness. And, you know, make sure that on the test day, you eat a healthy meal. Leave with plenty of time. The last thing you want is be stressed in traffic because, oh no, my appointment is coming and I'm running 15 minutes late, run 15 minutes early instead, you know. That way you can get to the testing center, you can familiarize yourself with the location, you start talking with the person in there and you feel more comfortable. Speaking of comfortable, wear comfortable clothing. You know this is not a fashion statement. You are going to be seated to take the test. So, you know, layers are good in case it's cold. And wear comfortable shoes, comfortable pants or whatever. So preparation to take this test doesn't just involve studying the material. It's also about making sure that you are in the best state mentally and physically to take this test. Remember, the Part 107 certification is not just a test, but a gateway to new opportunities and adventures. Stay focused. Stay motivated, and soon enough, you'll be looking back on this as a proud achievement in your journey.
