From the course: Cert Prep FAA 107 Commercial Drone License

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Risk management

Risk management

We hear the words "Risk management" all the time. In fact, I probably used it already a couple of times. But what exactly is risk management? Risk management is a systematic process that involves the application of management methods, policies, procedures, and all of that, to different aspects of a task. This is especially important when it comes to problem recognition, and this involves identifying potential issues and challenges that can affect the mission. You have to use good judgment. This is the cornerstone of making sound decisions. You have to reduce risks in each and every flight. You have to ensure that you're using risk management techniques in all aspects of your mission, and that includes the preplanning, right? Remember all the "what ifs" that we discussed before? Yeah. Ask them. Make sure that you address all or at least most of these "what ifs." You have to continuously improve and make your flights safer.
