From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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- [Lecturer] Let's talk about working with shapes and paths in Photoshop. For the ACP exam, you should know how to add basic vector shapes with the shape tools. So spend some time using each of these tools and you can find them here under the rectangle tool. So we have rectangle, ellipse, triangle, polygon, line, and the custom shape tool. For this movie, I'm going to stick with the rectangle tool. And you should understand that there are three different modes for these tools that you can see up in the options bar when you have any one of them. So you have shape mode, path mode, and pixels mode. I'll start by drawing a rectangle in shape mode. So I can set a fill and stroke color or change the stroke width and style here up in the options bar or over here in the properties panel. So I'll change the fill to a green color and I'll make the stroke something like blue. We'll make it wider and we'll change it to a dotted stroke. And you can keep playing with these settings to your heart's…
