From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll see how to customize some of Photoshop's application preferences, which is something you should know how to do before you take the ACP exam. To open preferences, go to the Photoshop menu on Mac or the edit menu on Windows and choose Settings. From here, you can go directly into the set of preferences you want to edit by choosing it, I'll go to Interface. And the first thing I want to point out is the alert icons that you'll see in certain places in the preferences dialogue box, like here, here, and here. The first one is telling us that the neutral color mode only affects the interface, not image colors. So turning this setting on here will make all interface elements gray, including things like this share button, which is blue by default. Some people want a totally neutral interface when they're doing color correction work, and that's what this preference is for. Another alert tells us that the colors we choose for art boards will apply only in…
