From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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Importing assets

Importing assets

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll look at importing images into Photoshop, focusing on the benefits of smart objects, and compare them to what happens when you just copy and paste from one document to another. So here in our exercise files, we have a cheetah and we also have a snail. And let's say we're supposed to combine them into one image to show the two of them racing. Well, one way to bring the snail into the cheetah file is just to take the move tool and drag from anywhere on the canvas up to the document tab for the cheetah image. When that image becomes visible, hold the shift key and release, and the snail is centered on the canvas in a new layer. To size the snail relative to the cheetah, I'll press Command or Ctrl + T to transform it and drag one of the transformation handles to make it really small. To accept the transformation, I can either click the check mark up here in the options bar, I can double click the layer I'm transforming, or I can just click somewhere on…
