From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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Copyright, permissions, and licensing

Copyright, permissions, and licensing

- [Narrator] Let's continue our preparation for the ACP exam with a look at some of the basic rules of copyright, permissions, and licensing. First of all, what is copyright? Copyright refers to laws and practices that protect the rights of authors of creative works. All kinds of creative works are protected by copyright, including visual works like drawings, paintings, and photographs, plus videos and movies, music and lyrics, books and articles, and so on. And there are three requirements for a creative work to be copyrighted. First, it must be copyrightable subject matter. Simple facts and data are not copyrightable. Only works that are the result of some kind of creative process and effort. To be copyrighted, something must be an original work, but variations on existing work can also be considered original if they contain aspects that make them unique. And a work must be in fixed, tangible form. Ideas can't be copyrighted, only the expression of an idea that takes some form in…
