From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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- [Instructor] Let's talk about using Brushes in Photoshop. Being able to work with Brushes is a very important skill, because so many of the tools use Brushes. Of course, the painting tools do, but so do the retouching tools, the history brushes, the eraser, and other features like Quick Mask and Select and Mask. In this movie, I'm just going to use the regular brush tool, but I encourage you to also spend time using those other tools with various brushes. So I'll go ahead and take the brush tool and choose a brush from the presets. In the Brush Preset Picker, we have lots of brushes organized into these folders by type. For example, General Brushes here will give you smooth strokes, but for this image, let's say we wanted something with a really varied edge. For that, you can use the media brushes. So I'll go into Dry Media Brushes, and choose Kyle's Ultimate Pastel Palooza, right here. And for the color to paint with, I'll click the fill box in the toolbar, and sample a green color…
