From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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Blending layers

Blending layers

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll look at how to blend layers by changing opacity, fill, and blend modes. First, let's look at the two controls for opacity and fill in the Layers panel. The difference between these two is that opacity controls the visibility of everything on a layer, including effects and fill will only affect the layer pixels not effects applied to them. So for example, if I select the type layer containing the title Sandy Shore, notice that it has a drop shadow here. If I reduce the fill, the drop shadow remains. But if I lower the opacity, everything, including the drop shadow fades out. Now let's consider blend modes. I'm not going to go over what each blend mode does because that would take a really long time and you just don't need to know them all for the ACP exam. Spend some time getting comfortable with common blend modes, like multiply and screen. First in the Layers panel, I'll scroll down and target the border layer, and I want to see what this looks…
