From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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Adjusting images

Adjusting images

- [Instructor] For the ACP exam, you should be familiar with some of the options in the Adjustments panel that you can use for color correction. And if I go to the Adjustments panel, you can see there are a lot of choices here under Single Adjustments. And the coolest thing is you can use them to target specific areas of an image for correction without making a selection. Some of the important choices here include Hue/Saturation, Brightness/Contrast, Curves, Levels, Color Balance, Vibrance, and Selective Color. And you should spend time experimenting with all of them. In our file, we have an image of one guy in shorts here and the rest in suits. And at first this image looks good, like there might be no colors that need correcting, but one way you can tell for sure is to use the Color panel. So I'll go to the Color panel and I'm going to make sure I'm using RGB sliders here. So if you're not, you can just pick them from the Panel menu. And I know that in RGB color mode equal amounts…
