From the course: Career Advice from Some of the Biggest Names in Business

Jim Fitterling on taking chances

- Love to leave it with some career advice. What kind of advice do you give people when they're thinking about how to craft their career? - I think corporate America has changed. The old view of corporate America is you join a company, you've got to change yourself to be part of that corporate culture. I think the new culture is really you need to be you. The second one would be look for opportunities and take chances. When I was young, I had opportunities come to go live internationally and get out of my comfort zone. Sometimes people are a little bit afraid to get out of their comfort zone. Don't be, they end up being mind-expanding and life-expanding opportunities. 11 years in Asia really changed my view of the world and my understanding of how different cultures operate. Embrace those opportunities and take them. Don't turn them down. Because you never know, that door that you open, you never know where it's going to lead to.
