From the course: Building and Managing a Cybersecurity Program

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Executive and BOD support

Executive and BOD support

- [Instructor] Supporting your executives and the board of directors is one of the four major goals of an information security program, but it's also one of the least well understood of all the goals by all concerned. There are three key areas of board responsibility that your information security program will help to support. Corporate governance refers specifically to the set of rules, controls, and processes put in place to dictate corporate behavior. In September 2015, the OECD Secretary-General said, "Good corporate governance is a means to create market confidence and business integrity." Good governance involves balancing the interests of a company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders, management, employees, customers, suppliers, financers, government, and the community. In practice, the board explicitly delegates responsibilities for most governance matters to the chief executive officer. Boards manage risk at…
