From the course: Building a Small Business Website with Shopify

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Find a theme that meets your needs

Find a theme that meets your needs

- [Instructor] A theme determines the way that a Shopify store looks, feels, and functions. In this lesson, I'd like to quickly overview the types of themes available to you, and then we'll select a theme to use for this course. So with your Shopify account, you have access to a selection of free themes, but you also have the option to upgrade to a paid theme via the Shopify Theme Store. These are themes created by either Shopify or Shopify partners that all meet strict technical guidelines and support requirements. They've got additional features and can be specialized for industry, the number of products the store has, and even specific features. Like their free counterparts, you can click on any theme to view more details about it. From there, you could view a demo of the theme. You could see how it looks both on desktop and a mobile view, which is pretty handy. Or you could even try the theme. Now note that it's…
