From the course: Bootstrap 5 Essential Training

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- Tooltips are pretty simple looking components. They add explanatory texts to elements and they do require a little bit of extra setup. So let's take a look at what they work. So Tooltip data is really designed to go either on a button or an anchor tag. And what you do is you add, to one of those elements, you add a title property which becomes the text that appears in the Tooltip. And then you add a data BS toggle of Tooltip and then a data BS placement with one of the sides which means where does this Tooltip show up? And you can make it actually to the top-right bottom-left. This is kind of interesting because Bootstrap normally understands right to left. But in this case, since this is managed by Popper I think that it's using top-right bottom-left and it's not going to understand like start and end like it normally would. So let's take a look at it and there's actually a ton of options. So I have a link here to the documentation but I'll show you at least a deceptively simple…
