From the course: Bootstrap 5 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Tables look great in Bootstrap with a lot of classes that can help you customize their look. There is a basic table class, which adds some underlines underneath the cells as well as making the cells fit the entire width of the container. There's also some contextual classes, which you can add by using the regular basic table as well as table. And one of the contextual colors, which are all these listed right here. So you can say something like table-warning here or a table-primary in addition to the table class to see how they look. So let's go ahead and check these out. So you can see here that I'm using the table class for this particular table. If I take this class out, you'd be able to see the difference. And although, just not adding the table class looks okay, it doesn't give you the advantage of all those underlines as well as the spacing, which is really nice. You can also see the contextual classes. So the table-primary here, secondary, and all of the other…
